Accredited RFA and UGS Varicose Vein Management
Varicose Veins
The Taranaki Vein Service at Skin on Forty-Five is a centre of excellence for Veins treatment in Taranaki.
With over 25 years of experience in the diagnosis and management of Varicose Veins, the team at Skin on Forty-Five has treated thousands of cases over this time with great results.
With clinics right around the mountain in New Plymouth, Hawera, Ōpunake and Ōakura we can treat your veins with the Gold Standard Techniques at your convenience.
What treatments are available for my veins?
Our experienced team have a wide range of treatment modalities at our disposal designed to provide the best service for the individual needs of each case.
- Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA) – Recognised as the Gold Standard treatment for Varicose Veins providing the longest lasting results with the fastest recovery. Surgery is no longer needed for most people with varicose veins. RFA uses thermal energy (heat) to treat varicose veins. A thin catheter (a long tube) is inserted into the faulty vein and once the vein is anesthetised, the catheter heats up, sealing the vein closed. The body then gradually absorbs the closed vein over several months. The entire procedure typically takes one to two hours and unlike surgical options, RFA leaves no visible scars.
- Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) — This is also a gold-standard technique but has recently been superseded by Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA).
- Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy (UGS) – First-line treatment for smaller varicose, reticular and spider veins and commonly used in conjunction with RFA to ensure the best outcomes for our clients. During UGS, a special solution (often in the form of foam sclerotherapy) is injected directly into the varicose veins under guidance of an ultrasound. The solution is designed to close off the faulty vein by irritating its walls. Once the abnormal vein is treated, the body gradually absorbs it over several months. Blood flow is redirected through deeper veins, leading to an improved venous system and a reduction in varicose vein symptoms. The advantages of UGS is that most patients can return to work within an hour of treatment, it provides both functional relief and cosmetic enhancement and it is simple and straightforward.
- Nd:Yag Laser Sclerotherapy – Nd:YAG laser is the gold standard technology for the non-invasive treatment of small spider veins and facial telangiectasia. During the procedure, the Nd:YAG laser emits energy. This energy is absorbed by the hemoglobin (in blood) and melanin (in pigmented areas). The laser causes coagulation and closure of the targeted veins.
With our cutting edge, non-surgical, walk-in, walk-out treatment options you don’t have to put up with your vein conditions any longer. From small unsightly Spider veins right through to prominent Varicose veins we offer the full range of treatment options including Cutera NdYAG laser, Sclerotherapy and Endovenous RF Ablation to get the results you want with minimal downtime.
Payment Plans:
We offer private payment plans and provide insurance accredited services for all the main providers.
QCard and Farmers Mastercard: We offer interest free repayment plans via our payment partners.
- Enjoy 6, 12 or 18 months to repay with no interest, and no minimum monthly repayments – pay on any schedule you like within the first 6 months, with no early repayment fees^.
- $500 Minimum spend.
- Finance terms and conditions apply
*All prices and services are subject to change without notice
FAQs - The answers you need
Varicose veins are veins that become enlarged and contorted and sometimes cause discomfort or pain. A range of treatments – surgical and non-surgical – are available, depending on the severity of the symptoms and a person’s circumstances and preferences.
Varicose veins are more common in women than in men and tend to run in families. They usually develop between the ages of 30 and 60 years and tend to worsen with age.
Veins are the blood vessels that carry blood from the body to the heart (whereas arteries carry blood from the heart to the body). Properly functioning veins have a series of one-way valves that keep the blood flowing in one direction towards the heart.
Varicose veins occur when, as a result of various causes, the valves within the veins become inefficient (incompetent) and allow blood to back-flow. The blood pools in the area below the affected valve causing the vein to enlarge and stretch. Varicose veins appear under the skin as bluish-green lines, which may bulge out or appear twisted and contorted.
Veins that lie just beneath the skin surface are referred to as “superficial veins” while the veins found deep inside the muscles are referred to as “deep veins”. Other veins, called “communicating veins”, connect the superficial and deep veins, allowing blood to flow between them.
The superficial veins in the legs are the most common place for varicose veins to occur. However, they can occur in other areas of the body such as the pelvic region and the rectal area (haemorrhoids).
- Bulging or twisting of the affected vein(s)
- Pain or aching of the affected area, especially after sitting or standing for lengthy periods
- Swelling in the legs
- A feeling of heaviness and muscle fatigue in the legs
- Itching around the affected veins
- Leg cramps at rest.
- The skin above the affected veins may become thin making it susceptible to cuts, nicks, and ulcers
- Inflammation of the affected veins (phlebitis)
- A slightly increased risk of developing blood clots in the deep veins (deep vein thrombosis) connected to varicose veins.
Varicose veins are usually easily visible so it is possible to make a diagnosis simply from their appearance. Your Skin on Forty-Five Doctor will perform a physical examination to assess the extent of the varicose veins and perform an ultrasound test which enables the blood flow and structure of the veins to be seen on a monitor. It can also show if any blood clots are present. A duplex ultrasound may also be performed. This is a more advanced scan and displays the image in colour.
Treatment is dependent upon the size and nature of the veins being treated. Some of the superficial “Spider Veins” can be very effectively treated with laser therapy whereas the larger varicose veins often require more advanced techniques such as Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy, Intravascular Radiofrequency Ablation or Endovenous Laser Ablation.
Most treatment is covered by Private Health Insurers or payment plans can be arranged to support your treatment.
If you have any questions about your veins contact Skin on Forty-Five and we can answer your questions or arrange an assessment to provide you with a detailed management plan to suit your condition.